Make our templates look like your own

If you liked what you saw with our other templates and want to see them in your company’s house style, we can most certainly do that for you, and we can do it fast.

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Branded Templates

Change the template look and feel to reflect your brand

Relevant Visuals

We can tailor the imagery  and backgrounds to be more relevant to your brand

Audience Context

We can change the overall context to suit your specific audience and objectives.

Bespoke Templates, made to measure

Do you have a workshop that needs to be designed, or existing materials that could benefit from being polished up with beautiful visuals?

We welcome the opportunity to co-create with you and craft some new and eye-wateringly wonderful workshops.

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Visual workshops made from scratch

Let’s work together to design the right workshop to answer your objective. Beautiful design included.

Polish up your existing templates

Are your templates looking a bit dull in comparison? Have no fear! We love nothing more than to swish up existing content and make it shine 🌟

Create a modular design System

Let's give you the tools to create great looking templates every time. Component based design systems let you buildout workshops quickly whilst staying on brand.

Training, Consulting and Inspirational Experiences

With a mountain of experience under our belts, let us guide and inspire your teams to work more efficiently and harness the full power of your favourite collaboration tools.

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Visual Design Training

Want to learn how to make beautiful boards in Miro, Mural or your other favourite collaboration tool?

Or maybe your team needs a level set on the basics of good design?

Standardised and tailor made interactive training to suit your needs.

Best Practice Consulting

Improve your workflows and templates by letting us audit and advise on design best practices.

Let's shine a light on how you can save both time and effort, plus uplift your existing work into more engaging formats.

Inspirational Team Experiences

Inspire the art of the possible within your team.

We can guide you through visual demos of our premium custom designs, or deliver experiential and interactive sessions that connect you through the magic and play.

Some of our latest projects...

Customizable Hybrid Executive Briefing Center

A modular building designed to host the pre, during and post-workshop phases for the Amsterdam Miro Discovery Team. Not only pretty, but pretty darned functional too!

Dream World Ways of Working

A 12 step workshop designed for C-Level Executives to evaluate the current and future state of working for their companies.

Miro Distributed '22 Event Programme

An elaborate human-tastic visual agenda and accompanying interactive Miro board designs for the annual Miro Distributed online event.

Illustrated Retrospective Template

A midnight sailboat experience. Delightful design meets useful actionable bitesize steps in this team retrospective template design on the Miroverse.

Illustrated Visual DIY Event Agenda

An illustrated agenda for the NeverDoneBefore Facilitation Festival. Complete with DIY agenda cards and social media templates so the team could 100% self-manage.

  • High quality
  • Tailored to your business
  • Made by Experts

Uplevel your existing workshop templates

Whether you want a revamp of your existing templates, or you have an idea for a great board design, we can definitely help you out.
📅  Currently available for you

Subscribe and have fun with a free template

We'll let you be the judge of our quality with this 3 variation Feedback Template 🙌.

If you like that one, we reckon you're gonna be right on board with the occasional updates, advice and other special content we have to send.
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